Growing Minds.
Nurturing Hearts.
Cultivating Character.

Growing Minds.
Nurturing Hearts.
Cultivating Character.

Schoodic Academy is an alternative educational experience incorporating home school dynamics with community involvement.


To partner with families to cultivate the souls of their children so they grow in wisdom and virtue as we seek to love God and others in accordance with Proverbs 22:6.


Schoodic Academy is called to reach out to existing and new homeschool families who are looking for support, find encouragement, resources, and have a desire for their children to develop friendships with other homeschool children.  We believe that in order to have a healthy cooperative we need to grow as the Lord directs us.


We will be providing parents with an opportunity for children to be taught in a safe and educationally sound environment in either a home school cooperative or a private school setting. Our home school cooperative will offer assistance to parents who wish to keep their child(ren) in the home most of the time and will offset this by operating one day a week on a Wednesday. Our cooperative approach will afford those parents opportunities for enrichment, social interactions, and academic activities for their children. Our target date to open is September 3, 2025.

For parents who would like to have their child(ren) involved in a more formal education, our future hybrid school will be offering an educational setting with challenging curricula taught by caring and gifted teachers. Date and time for this opening is to be determined.

Private and Christian schools are becoming more numerous and affordable. A sliding scale, based on household income, will be employed to make private education more affordable as well as sponsorships for financial assistance.

This home school cooperative and future hybrid school will be making use of Abeka and other curricula.
Our classroom hybrid setting for Pre-K through 4th grade will emphasize reading, basic math skills, and penmanship. Other courses (for Pre-K - 12) will include Bible, Civics, the Constitution, and Citizenship along with the core subjects of Math, Science, Language Arts, and History.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

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Schoodic Academy

P.O. Box 286
Gouldsboro, ME 04607